Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Holy Heck, Grand Opening Tomorrow

Everybody, just a reminder, our Grand Opening is tomorrow. Coffee and snacks will be at 9:30, along with a ribbon cutting with the Chamber. Would love to have visitors. Today, I was actually was busy enough not to get everything done for tomorrow. I will be making a late night visit to the shop to tidy up and re-stock. Imagine that, re-stock after only a week of patrons! I also have a goodie basket and gift certificate up for grabs, just sign up to win! I am still on hold for items, unless you have sizes 5-8 in boys or girls. Until then, I have a list started and I will go down the list on a first come, first serve basis! Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. It was the FINEST Grand Opening I've ever attended. Store looks awesome and comfy. Clothes - clean, sharp looks, and the inventory voluminous. Next stop for Stephanie. . .the TODAY show with Matt L., for a special segment on HOT successful boutique owners.

    Love ya tons,

